Wednesday, October 22, 2008

PETA would be pissed. . . .

When I was little I loved playing with roly polys - remember those little bugs that curl into a ball?

As an adult, when I have seen them, I have walked in the opposite direction. I'm not actually scared, but they are bugs for chrissake and I'm 33 years old (shut up, you can't prove I'm not 33 still).

But then I had a son. Who is now fascinated with bugs. We saw a roly poly in the park the other day. I took hold of my senses, and crouched down with Brody to look more closely at it. I even tried to sound happy that I was putting my hand on the ground and encouraging the thing to crawl into my hand while Brody watched the scene unfold.

However, the roly poly was not trusting my hand, and refused to climb into it. So I sat back a bit, and gladly retracted my hand from the roly poly's path.

"Guess he didn't want to play with us," I said to Brody, who had been oddly silent during the whole encounter.

Brody then stomped on the roly poly. "Bug, mommy. All gone."

So much for roly poly.


Jacque said...

You mean those wooly worm caterpillars? They creep me out too, but my kids like them. Brody is hilarious. He saved the day for Mommy. Phoebe saw one on the sidewalk right beside a sticky something or other (probably food or something dropped by the kids) and she pointed at it and said "It pooped".

Unknown said...

I am ROTFLMAO. I even read that one to my mom and she LOL!

Dawn said...

That is so funny!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, that is HILARIOUS!!!! LOL. I love your posts, that little Brody is a character. :)

Alina Klein said...

Lol, Brody! Poor little buggy. ;) I loved those roly poly bugs, too! Haven't seen one in ages. I wonder if they only live out west?

SaRaH said...

I love him. Obvious signs of genius are apparent.

I hate pretending that snakes, bugs, and frogs are cool.