Tuesday, November 16, 2010

When are you above it all?

I have learned of something recently that I will not get into detail about here. But this bit of information - about someone talking about me in a negative way - bothers me.

I don't know why it bothers me so much. Can I blame the hormones?

But here is my question. When do you rise above personal conflict and "let it go"? And when is the right time to address an issue? Which is which?


Unknown said...

If addressing the issue is a necessary condition for keeping/restoring the relationship to where you would like it to be, you talk. If you don't care about the relationship enough to subject yourself to the confrontation, you let it go.

Hef said...

I like what she said.

Hef said...

She meaning Robyn, of course.

SaRaH said...

What Robyn said.

Hez said...

Like Sarah and Heather, what Robyn said. I try to also give it some time, a few days can bring some perspective.