Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Photos from the weekend. . . I took this one because I was trying to take one of him smiling into the camera. Instead, it was way too sunny, so now it's a photo of Brody with his beloved cheese (if he ever becomes lactose intolerant, I think he would go insane). Also, scar photo. Also, see how his right hand is not so straight? I mean, it's straighter, but not as good as the left. You can kinda see the bump on his forearm too - that's where the rod is sticking out a bit. So it's the right hand/arm the doc will work on in August because he wants to re-straighten it, and then he'll do the thumb on that arm at the same time.

So this is called Smile Into the Sun. Cause he is still squinting. But my god, how cute is he?!?!

Daddy and Brody fishing in the pond behind our house. Brody is afraid of grass, so it was a big deal for him to walk up to daddy on the grass. I see many future fishing trips.

Brody loves to play with my hair clips. And before anyone accuses me of abuse, he asked me to put this in his hair. The fact that I had a camera ready right there for a photo is a pure coincidence.

Finally, no, Brody did not start boxing lessons. This is what happens to my little man when the Claritin wears off. He was pathetic. But still, on the way home from daycare, even with his eyes almost swollen shut, he managed to point out a bus, a bike and a boat.

Brody steering his car. Please note how he already uses his index fingers as thumbs. I am so proud of him. He literally evolved right before our eyes.


M said...

Just wanted to say that I have enjoyed flipping through your blog. What a great story you tell on behalf of your son. I like your style of writing.

Take care. Hope Brody is enjoying summer.


SaRaH said...

Ummm... I suspected it, but you confirmed it. Brody is so good looking that he'd even be a beautiful girl!

Elias! said...

Those are some adorable photos. We are so happy to hear Brody is using his index fingers as thumbs. It is incredible how he his adapting. Good luck with the Doctor in August.

Jacque said...

So cute, and looks like he's doing very well! He looks pitiful without his meds. ;)