Friday, July 11, 2008

Brody photos

Regardless of the time he wakes up, Brody has to come outside. If we don't let him, he will just stand at the back door and pound on it saying "outside outside outside!"

When we do let him, this is what happens.
Which horse should I ride?
Brody's first boat ride. Sure, it was a paddle boat, but it still counts.


SaRaH said...

that photo makes me want to come have my morning coffee chilling with Brody and his dog. its perfect.

tanya or MOM said...

wow his hands look great! i never realized that you had fertilty treatments for him. I did with Nodin too. Its so hard month after month. anyway i just wanted to say you guys look like a wonderful family. i wish we lived closer for a play date!
p.s. i like your dog!

Shannon said...

He just gets cuter and cuter by the day, doesn't he?