Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Bury Me Deep

My dear friend, and Edgar-award winning author, Megan Abbott, is in the middle of her book tour for her 4th novel, Bury Me Deep.

Buy this book:

I guarantee you will not regret this purchase.

The writing is sublime. The story is addicting. Bury Me Deep is loosely inspired by a famous crime that scandalized the country. In October 1931, a railroad employee at the Southern Pacific Train Station in downtown Los Angeles noticed something leaking from a passenger trunk. Inside, he found the bodies of two young women. The trunk's owner was a young doctor's wife, Winnie Ruth Judd, en route from Phoenix. The two women were her best friends.

A media sensation, the case captivated the country, with tabloids dubbing Mrs. Judd the "Velvet Tigress," the "Blonde Butcher" and, most famously, "The Trunk Murderess." To many, the case appeared open and shut. But the truth, as always, is far more complicated. That truth, or what might have happened, is what Megan's book explores. The ending sent chills down my arms.

Yes, Megan and I grew up together. I've known her for over 30 years. But even if you think me biased, read what our paper had to say about this masterpiece:

It's an exquisite book, told in delicate, shimmering prose that heightens the nightmarish quality of the story. Megan Abbott is often compared with James Ellroy, whom she admires greatly, but her writing is far more economical and focused, and her sensibilities are feminine to the core. This is noir mystery writing at its very best.

Buy the book here. I will get it autographed for you!


feitpingvin said...

It sounds like the kind of stuff Norwegians like to read during the Easter holidays. I haven't read any of her stuff yet; I probably should, even though I'm not really a fan of noir/mysteries...

Unknown said...

How will you get it autographed? Logistically, I mean. Should I buy it and have it shipped to you?

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Megan's books were my first noir books. I like mysteries. I think her books are really wider than noir or mystery. I really think you'd like them.

Great question, Robyn. Email me and I will have you mail it to Megan; she will inscribe it with whatever you'd like, and mail it back to you.

She once signed my coworker Doug's book with his preferred alias of Paolo as "Paolo, I shan't forget our night in Tijuana." :-P

feitpingvin said...

Hmm... wanna trade an autographed copy for some interesting stuff from Norway? :)

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Cynthia, I would completely trade with you. Send me your address? christine 1 2 2 3 @ gm ai l dot com .