Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankful: 21, 22 and 23

21. This song and this kid.

22. This time together (my mom and Liam).

23. This email.

Here I come!!!!

DONNA xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx
Sat Feb 181650Depart Detroit(DTW) at 06:55 AM
Arrive in Denver(DEN) at 08:25 AM

Wed Feb 22713Depart Denver(DEN) at 07:25 PM
Arrive in Detroit(DTW) at 12:05 AM

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thankful: 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

15. Strange one: that Brody has renal issues. Why? Because without his renal issues, Liam would not have had a renal ultrasound before he was discharged from the hospital last December, and we would never have discovered (until it was too late?) that Liam had a blood clot on his aorta. Leading to...

16. Lovenox. Yes, I complain about the cost of Lovenox on here a lot. $1600 a month is a bit steep. But damn if it didn't let me have 2 successful pregnancies, and save my youngest son's life. Fact: Lovenox is made from intestinal mucosa of a pig. You can't take it if you are allergic to pork products. Thank you, pigs!

17. Barbara, my oldest sister. Whenever I think I'm being crazy, I think of Barbara, and how she doesn't care what anyone thinks of her, she is just her fabulous, delightfully talkative, laugh out loud self. She is the original cuckoo, and I mean that in the best way.

18. Eric, my brother. I think of him so often lately, since Liam reminds me of him. Liam eating dog food, like Eric did. Liam being musical, like Eric . Eric has had a troubled life at times, battles with alcoholism, but when he plays piano, it is magic. I could listen to him play all day. He has crazy talent.

19. Donna, my middle sister. She is sensitive, kind, nurturing, and a wonderful momma. She's the one who made me that ring a few posts back. She says she is coming to visit in February. I can hope! She is kinda nuts sometimes, but sweetly so.

20. Marilyn, my youngest sister. Brody said it best this weekend when he explained to me that he gets confused about whether Marilyn is my mommy or my sister. She is my caretaker. And she hated me when I was born. I think she still feels guilt for the abuse she heaped upon me. What she does, I usually follow: horse back riding, tennis, jewelry making, moving to Colorado, having 2 sons. Huh. She's a smidge neurotic. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thankful: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.

8. Brodyisms. He’s getting more advanced. This weekend’s may have been my favorite. His nana gave me a geode, the kind you break open with a hammer to reveal the crystals inside? While looking at the crystals, he asked, “You know what’s another name for crystals? Your soul.” And he said the last two words with much gravity and import, and completely serious. Where does he come up with things like this?

And then this morning, when walking into daycare I exclaimed, “Aw man! I forgot Liam’s diapers!” to which Brody replied, “You’re going down, mommy.”

9. The internet. It was google into which I typed “Miscarriage Support” in 2004 and found the Miscarriage Support message board on IVillage,com. Which led me to the Recurrent Miscarriage board. Which led me to Dr. Beer. Which led me to motherhood.

10. Brody’s doctors and surgeons. From Dr. Rothenberg, who did Brody’s first surgery when he was 48 hours old to link up the end of his esophagus to his stomach, and actually told Jeremy that he was excited to do this kind of surgery on Brody since had never done one that small before, to the surgeon, Dr. Doug Hutchinson, who gave Brody thumbs, to our pediatrician, Dr. Jay Markson, who provides laid back, nonplussed yet excellent advice, who has a way with Brody that makes Brody want to see him every time we come downtown.

11. Friends. I am blessed with friends. One or two I’ve known since we were 5 or 6 years old. A few I’ve never met face-to-face. Then some that I am lucky enough to get to see regularly. And most of them, regardless of when I see them, I can call anytime, day or night. They support me, make me laugh, and make me want to be a better version of myself.

12. Cameras. So I can look at pictures of my loved ones when I am at work, and give my hairstylist a picture of what I’d like my hair to look like.

13. My sense of humor. Laughing is the only ab workout I’m likely to do.

14. One piece outfits, including footie pajamas. Something about them is so charmingly delightful. I cannot get enough of Brody, and now Liam, in one piece outfits. If I had my way, Brody would still be in one-piece rompers. I settle for pajamas with feet.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thankful: 4, 5, 6. And 7.

4. My sister Donna makes jewelry, not like I make jewelry but with sodering things and hot things that melt silver. She made me a ring last year – before Liam was born - with each boy’s birthstone in it. I love that ring. I wear it for good luck. I wear it on those big days for me, and I wear it when I need a pick-me-up. I love that she made me something so unique and thoughtful.

5. Over the weekend, I had dinner with my circle of friends, just the girls. We had dinner and we were talking – all of us mothers now – about what we obsess[ed] over with our children. Height, speech, etc. I sat there and thought, with Brody, what did I obsess over? That he would die, that he would never find love, or happiness, that he would need a kidney transplant, that he would not be in regular class, that he would never learn to write or use his thumb properly. I’m grateful that none of that came to pass. Even if they do come to pass, they haven’t yet.

6. Speaking of which…. Brody had 14 surgeries in 3 years. He didn’t have thumbs when he was born. His throat didn’t meet up with his stomach when he was born. He had 2 surgeries the first week of his life. He wore casts for half of his first three years. And this year, this year he started kindergarten the first year he was eligible, when he was 4 years old. And we had a parent teacher conference a few weeks back, which Brody attended, and he read us a book. It was called “I can do anything.” I grasped my husband’s hand, and I just barely kept from crying.

7. My mom is coming for Thanksgiving. We were going to drive down to see her in New Mexico, and it would be a long 10 hour drive, but it would be worth it to see her and my stepdad. But she said that the driving was too much and she just bought a ticket to see us. Even though her and Jacques will not be together for Thanksgiving. And she’s staying for a whole week. I'm grateful for that.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful: 1, 2 and 3

I tend to complain a lot. I find that trait deeply annoying in people who have so much for which to be grateful.

So I know it is corny and cheesy, but I’m going to write down those things for which I am thankful. Because in the final analysis, I have a lot to write.

On November 3, 2011, I am grateful:

1. That my husband can fix anything that breaks in our house, including the furnace. He googled the furnace model number, what was wrong with it, and found a video on YouTube about how to fix it. And then he really did fix it, and we had heat again!

2.  For Excedrin. My goodness. Divine.

3.  That daycare told me we had to keep Liam home yesterday. He wasn’t sick, they just thought he had an ear infection because he pulled on his ears on Tuesday and wouldn’t drink a bottle. Since Liam was feeling rather fine with me, we had a lot of fun together, just us two. We danced on the bed to Prince (he loves Raspberry Beret) and we took a bubble bath, and two naps. And we cuddled a lot. It was lovely and quiet.